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UPWELLING protects coastal livelihoods by enhancing the natural capacity of marine ecosystems to cope with climate change, with rigorous accounting of how their value changes over time.
We are developing a suite of technologies, including enhanced upwellings and a digital twin online platform of marine systems, to restore threatened resources, and track biodiversity and ecosystem function.

What is enhanced upwelling?
We can mimic natural upwellings - a process by which deep ocean water is brought to the surface, enriching shallow ocean layers with cooler water that is also cleaner, and richer in nutrients.

What are the benefits of enhanced upwellings?
Upwellings can buffer coral reefs and other benthic communities from heat stress, enhance fisheries and aquaculture productivity and health, and at large scales, can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and protect coastal populations from storms.
Why do we need upwellings?
Upwellings present one of the most promising interventions to protect marine ecosystems from catastrophic heat stress. In the last two years, coastal waters around the world have exceeded previous all-time temperature records, with a large deviation from historic patterns that suggests 'a new normal'. Being able to cool targeted areas will buy critical vulnerable ecosystems time, and upwellings have a variety of potential co-benefits beyond cooling that we will investigate.

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